CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY, Philippines – The International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking (IDDAIT), commonly known as World Drug Day, is observed annually on June 26th.

This global event aims to raise awareness about drug-related issues, promote evidence-based solutions, and foster international cooperation.

In 2024, the theme is “The Evidence Is Clear: Invest in Prevention.”

Effective drug policies should be rooted in scientific research.

Understanding the social, economic, and health implications of drug use is crucial.

By relying on evidence, we can create more informed and impactful strategies.

Prevention is our strongest defense against drug abuse.

Governments, policymakers, and law enforcement professionals must allocate resources to evidence-based prevention programs.

Early intervention saves lives and reduces long-term societal costs.

Communities play a pivotal role in prevention.

Equipping them with tools and knowledge allows for the implementation of effective initiatives.

When local communities take ownership, resilience against drug use increases.

Stakeholders—whether at the local, national, or international level—must engage in dialogue and collaboration.

Sharing best practices and innovative approaches enhances prevention efforts worldwide.

Policymakers should base decisions on scientific evidence.

Rigorous research informs effective drug policies, ensuring better outcomes for individuals and society.

Empowering youth is essential.

By providing them with knowledge and skills, we create a generation of advocates who actively participate in drug prevention efforts.

Drug trafficking transcends borders.

International cooperation is vital for combating organized crime and addressing the drug problem collectively.

Sharing intelligence, resources, and strategies is essential.

As we commemorate World Drug Day, let us reaffirm our commitment to prevention.

By investing in evidence-based strategies, fostering community engagement, and promoting dialogue, we can build a safer and healthier world—one where individuals lead fulfilling lives free from the harms of drug abuse.

Remember: Prevention today ensures a brighter tomorrow.